Friday, March 31, 2006


*INSTANT MESSENGER INTERVIEW* with The Darnold @ V!C£ Records

See what The Darnold thinks about the new Tapes 'n Tapes record and what types of bagel spreads he prefers in the morning.

The Darnold

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Tapes 'N Tapes - The Loon

1) Just Drums - Crap!
2) The Iliad - Crap!
3) Insistor - Crap!
4) Crazy Eighty - Crap!
5) In Houston - Crap!
6) Manitoba - Crap!
7) Cowbell - Crap!
8) 10 Gallon Ascots - Crap!
9) Omaha - Crap!
10) Buckle - Crap!
11) Jackov's Suite - Crap!

Jam To Crap Score: 0/33 - *0.00%*


reviewed by: Carbomb

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